Water is essential to all life....too little water and we die, too much and we drown. The same is true for the grass in our lawns. The fact is, more lawns are damaged or destroyed by over-watering than by not watering enough. Proper watering from the beginning will have an impact on how well the lawn continues to flourish for years to come.
For winter and summer installation guidelines click here

After sod is installed, water thoroughly until sod is saturated and ground under sod is wet several inches deep. If temperature is over 75 degrees at time of installation, DAMPEN ground to cool soil immediately prior to laying sod and lightly water sod as you install.
1ST WEEK: ½” in morning each day.
Note: If temperature is over 80 degrees, water an additional ¼” at 10:00am and 2:00 PM to prevent grass blades from wilting.
2nd WEEK: ½” in morning every other day.
Note: If temperature is over 80 degrees, water an additional ¼” at 10:00am and 2:00 PM to prevent grass blades from wilting.
3rd WEEK: ½” in morning every third day.
4th WEEK: Water only as needed to prevent wilting.
CAUTION: Over-watering can be detrimental: resulting in poor root development, roots not becoming established into the soil. rotting sod in shady areas, and susceptibility to diseases. It is important to finish watering early enough to allow the grass to dry before nightfall.
Learn to recognize when your lawn is asking for additional water. On hot days when the temperature is over 80%, look closely at individual blades of grass at the edges of the lawn area (drive and walkways, planting beds, etc.). Grass blades may show signs of shrinkage and appear to be a sliver-blue color. When these conditions are apparent an additional ¼” to ½” of water should be applied over the entire lawn area. Areas in shade require less water; allowing shady areas to remain wet may cause thinning and/or diseases.
SPRING AND FALL: Little or no watering.
SUMMER: (June 1st - mid September): As temperatures rise and rainfall decreases, watering will increase accordingly. The amount and quality of loam under the sod has a direct effect on the amounts of water your lawn will need, the deeper the loam = deeper root = theathier plants.
REMEMBER: Water alone will not keep your lawn green and healthy, a complere Fertilization program should begin 3-4 weeks after your lawn has been installed.