How To Mow
Best Results
- Sharpen your mower blade regularly to prevent brown ragged tops on the grass.
- Never remove more than 1/3 of the grass to prevent over-stressing of the plants.
- Mow frequently (every 3-4 days if possible) to allow your lawn to maintain a dense stand of grass and to reduce clippings. (At the farm, we mow every other day.)
- Try to mow in a different direction each time you mow.
- Do not allow heavy grass clippings to remain on your lawn.
- New sod may be mowed within 14 days of installation. (Run the lawn mower at low speed to prevent lifting the sod off the ground.
- Mowing heights:
In the spring and early fall, maintain a 2-2 ½ inch mowing height.
In the summer months, maintain a 3 1/2 to 41/2 inch mowing height (this will help to reduce the water requirements)
October 1st to end of season: begin lowering the mowing height gradually to 2” over the course of several mowings (as low as possible without scalping). The grass needs to be short before it snows to prevent a grass disease called snow mold.
- Allowing the grass to grow longer will allow the root system to grow deeper (lowering the water requirement of your lawn).
- In shaded areas allow the grass to grow longer and mow it less often. This will decrease the chances of grass diseases and will promote a strong and healthy root system.