1. The area must be dry and firm enough to support the forklift without leaving ruts. Please be sure to shut off all irrigation systems 24 hours prior to delivery of your sod.
2. The area must be free of obstructions to allow the forklift to maneuver safely, e.g. trees , stones, septic covers, etc.
3. The forklift is 8' wide, 8' in height and weighs 4,000 lbs. + operator.
4. Big rolls are for large, wide-open sites and require our operators to un-roll.
5. The site must be fully prepared and ready to receive the sod upon delivery. Click here for details on preparing the soil.
6. We provide the forklift and operator ONLY. (Please be aware there is a $60 fee per hour after 3 hours)
7. You provide 3-4 workers to work with the forklift as it un-rolls the sod. Each worker will need a steel rake (to tuck the sod together). Trimming should be left until all of the sod has been rolled out. You will need 1 or 2 razor knives with snap-off blade for trimming. See below for slide show of rolling out big rolls.

8. The forklift operator has full discretion for safety concerns, e.g. slopes, mud, soft sand, or inaccessibility.
Note: You can e-mail images to us for assistance in evaluating your site. Email us @ ATurfFarm@gmail.com

* Note: There is a time savings with big rolls. An area of 10,000 sq ft can be installed in about 3 hours with 3 workers. This is compared to 3 workers needing all day to install 10,000 sq ft from pallets of small rolls.